The Westchester Financial Center, a renowned office complex in White Plains, N.Y., is set to undergo an extensive makeover, following its acquisition by Ginsburg...
The “14th Annual Curbed Awards” kicked off this year with a list of the most expensive homes sold in New York in 2017. Manhattan’s new slender skyline icon, 432...
The historic Hartman Building in the heart of the Chicago Loop is gearing up for a total makeover. Walker & Dunlop has recently secured $44.7 million in financing for a...
The Boston Wharf Co. made the land buildable, drew streets and built up almost an entire neighborhood specifically designed for manufacturing, warehousing and docking for maritime...
Converting underused buildings into new Portland office space is often the least costly option for creating more office property within the current city density, as well as a...
Ten of well-known companies od all sizes that have found inspiration in repurposed properties — deserted or underused buildings that were brought back to a different life...
Office space in Charlotte is sometimes the fruit of a carefully undertaken adaptive reuse project, which preserves and highlights the architectural testimony of the city's long...
Adaptive reuse projects allow developers to sustainably bring new meaning to historic buildings, while preserving the connection to previous generations and Brooklyn's industrial...
The previous great manufacturing and industrial transportation age of the U.S. has left behind generously sized and impressively constructed properties that now harbor massive...
Austin is home to quite a few adaptive reuse jewels, elegant feats of design that accomplish efficient compromises between demolition and historic preservation....