We live in a time when the hustle culture is on the rise, work-life balance is considered a myth and #TGIM is trending on social media. Workplace stress contributes to at least...
Do you constantly feel tired at work? The good news is, you’re not alone. The bad news is that, according to research, 43% of U.S. workers are too tired to function at work...
There’s something wrong with the way we work. We’re living in technologically advanced times of accelerating connectivity and demographic shifts. Yet, there is a...
By Mariah Phillips at 2U.com Stereotypes abound about lazy millennials living in their parents’ basements. But skyrocketing student loan debts are actually a significant reason...
A recent survey by Skillshare reports that more Americans are freelancing than ever, currently adding up to 57.3 million people. But is it also easier than ever to be a...
In an era when fast-paced technological evolution is governing many aspects of our lives, it often seems difficult to keep up with trends. As more and more young professionals...
The Danish concept of hygge has taken the world by storm recently and is still gaining popularity in the UK and throughout the US. This lifestyle originating from Denmark...
We recently surveyed over 2,100 U.S. office workers to learn what they like – and dislike – about their office layout. While we read and hear a lot about the major benefits to...
Good mentors are hard to find. That’s one reason why over 100 million Americans listen to entrepreneur podcasts. There’s a podcast for every entrepreneur, with topics covering...
Our offices keep evolving, bringing to life new ideas about productivity, design, functionality and even employee morale. Many of these changes are brought about by important...