2021 was marked by several attempts at resuming life and work, albeit within a changing and challenging new environment. Industrial power consumption picked up, and residential...
The pandemic has been the ultimate black swan event of the past decade. Not only did it require changes in the way individuals and groups interact, but also in how businesses are...
COVID-19 has put a damper on the hubbub of our interconnected societies, forcing us into an economic cooldown. As a result, the effects have spilled over into the job market, our...
Steven Schwarz, founding partner of real estate investment form ViaWest told us as a part of our Expert Insights series about his experience in the field, how the Arizona...
Mike Bond is a senior lecturer in finance at the Eller College of Management, having previously taught at Cleveland State University. He earned his PhD in Financial Economics in...
The next few months will be very important for how the commercial real estate market recovers. The worst of the COVID-19 outbreak seems to be behind us, and while investors and...
Opinions vary on how COVID-19 might affect the real estate market. While the economic downturn caused by the pandemic is likely to be felt throughout the sector, commercial real...
The Monroe is going through a complete overhaul of the lobby that will create a sense of community and collaboration for its tenants. By the end of this year, Downtown will...
Andrea Davis, leading expert in the commercial real estate industry, has over 20 years of industry experience in helping thousands of businesses find their dream office. She is a...