2021 was marked by several attempts at resuming life and work, albeit within a changing and challenging new environment. Industrial power consumption picked up, and residential...
COVID-19 has put a damper on the hubbub of our interconnected societies, forcing us into an economic cooldown. As a result, the effects have spilled over into the job market, our...
In 2017, Washington D.C. was declared the world's first LEED-certified city. Check out the ten U.S. states that best followed the sustainable building path. ...
The features of the U.S. real estate scene, whether commercial or residential, are highly specific to each different regional market. Properties considered expensive in one...
With construction activity firing on all cylinders in all the major markets in the U.S., concentrated mainly in the office, multifamily, and industrial sectors, the national...
We’ve been looking into U.S. commercial property taxes paid in 2016 and have seen what types of businesses bring in the most to their local economies. Sunny Honolulu...