Waco, TX Commercial Real Estate for Lease and Sale
Explore 198 listings of Waco commercial real estate to find the best space for your business.
500 Franklin Ave, Brazos, Waco, TX
1207 N Loop 340, Bellmead, Lacy Lakeview, TXProperty
- Retail
- 2,892 SF
For Sale- $995,000
1201 Lake Air Dr, Brookview-Heart of Texas, Waco, TX
1025 N Valley Mills Dr, Brookview-Heart of Texas, Waco, TXProperty
- Retail
- 1,269 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 1,269 SF
For Lease- $37.00/SF/YR
What type of listing property are you looking for?
1105 Wooded Acres Dr, Brookview-Heart of Texas, Waco, TXProperty
- Office
Availability- 1 Space
- 3,109 SF
For Lease- $20.40 - $22.80/SF/YR
211 Webster Ave, Brazos, Waco, TXProperty
- Industrial
Availability- 1 Space
- 26,578 SF
For Lease- $4.20/SF/YR
2215 Franklin Ave, Austin Ave, Waco, TX
3325 S Jack Kultgen Expy, Kendrick, Waco, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 12,468 SF
For Sale- $2,300,000
500 S Valley Mills Dr, Beverly Hills, Waco, TXProperty
- VacantLand
- 55,491 SF
Year Built- 1958
For Sale- $1,544,114.88
1205 N Loop 340, Bellmead, Waco, TX
6801 Airport Road, North Lake Waco, Waco, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $890,000
2020 Richter Ave, Kendrick, Waco, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 8,800 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 8,800 SF
Year Built- 1969
For Lease- $6.00/SF/YR
405 South 15th Street, Brazos, Waco, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 10,500 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 10,500 SF
For Lease- $6.00/SF/YR
3217 Franklin Ave, Austin Ave, Waco, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 3,135 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 3,135 SF
For Lease- $13.00/SF/YR
5207 Lake Shore Dr, Mountainview, Waco, TXProperty
- Office
- 4,536 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 4,536 SF
For Lease- $17.00/SF/YR
5601 W Waco Dr - Warehouse Distribution, Richland Hills, Waco, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 84,724 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 84,724 SF
Year Built- 1974
For Lease- $7.00/SF/YR
1208 N Robinson Dr, Robinson, TX
1120 Lake Air, Brookview-Heart of Texas, Waco, TXProperty
- Retail
- 12,936 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 5,500 SF
For Lease- $28.00/SF/YR
1205 N Loop 340, Bellmead, Waco, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 68,312 SF
For Sale- $6,800,000
1701 Austin Ave, Austin Ave, Waco, TXProperty
- Retail
Availability- 1 Space
- 4,493 SF
For Lease- $2,250.00 - $6,800.00/MO
Robinson Industrial Park, Robinson, Waco, TX
S University Parks Dr, Oakwood, Waco, TX
1415 N New Rd, Brookview-Heart of Texas, Waco, TXProperty
- Retail
- 2,800 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 2,800 SF
For Lease- $24.00 - $26.00/SF/YR
1900 W Loop 340, Kendrick, Woodway, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 8,100 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 8,100 SF
Year Built- 2007
For Lease- $8.95/SF/YR
1530 Washington Ave, Brazos, Waco, TXProperty
- Retail
Availability- 1 Space
- 3,328 SF
For Lease- $15.00/SF/YR
1513 S Valley Mills Dr, Beverly Hills, Waco, TX
2333 South New Road, Kendrick, WACO, TX
6600 Fish Pond Rd, Ridgewood Country Club, Waco, TXProperty
- Office
Availability- 1 Space
- 14,781 SF
For Lease- $16.00/SF/YR
3400 Bosque Blvd, Brookview-Heart of Texas, Waco, TXProperty
- Retail
- 40,000 SF
For Sale- $1,500,000
2825 Gholson Rd, Carver, Waco, TX
601 W State Highway 6, Richland Hills, Waco, TXProperty
- Office
Availability- 1 Space
- 2,140 SF
For Lease- $18.00/SF/YR
1612 Speight Ave, Baylor, Waco, TXProperty
- VacantLand
Availability- 1 Space
For Lease- $70,000.00/YR
7023 Sanger Ave, Richland Hills, Waco, TX
Old China Spring Rd, North Lake Waco, Waco, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $975,000
3321 Hillcrest Dr, Landon Branch, Waco, TXProperty
- Office
- 1,816 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 1,816 SF
For Lease- $2,250.00/MO
345 Owen Ln, Richland Hills, Waco, TX
504 Austin Ave, Brazos, Waco, TXProperty
- Office
- 4,020 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 4,020 SF
Year Built- 1930
For Lease- $24.00/SF/YR
1101 Wooded Acres Dr, Brookview-Heart of Texas, Waco, TXProperty
- Retail
- 2,078 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 2,078 SF
For Lease- $24.00/SF/YR
2901 Speight Ave, Beverly Hills, Waco, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 10,385 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 10,385 SF
For Lease- $10.00/SF/YR
8043 Robinson Industrial Park, Robinson, Waco, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 35,880 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 35,880 SF
For Lease- $10.00/SF/YR
9508 China Spring Rd, North Lake Waco, Waco, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $719,263
2221 La Salle Avenue, University, Waco, TXProperty
- Retail
- 25,992 SF
Year Built- 1970
For Sale- $1,150,000
526 Austin Ave, Brazos, Waco, TX