Madison - Jackson, Southwest Missouri, MO Commercial Real Estate for Lease and Sale
2432 Grand Avenue Carthage MO, Carthage, MO
Walmart Plaza 100-132 W. George E. Phelps Blvd., Carthage, MO
100-132 W. George E. Phelps Blvd., Carthage, MO
1735 Hazel St, Carthage, MOProperty
- Multi-Family
- 35,356 SF
For Sale- Subject To Offer
5627 S Garrison Ave, Fidelity, Carthage, MOProperty
- Industrial
- 8,621 SF
For Sale- $1,017,500
625 South Eagle Crest Lane, Joplin, MOProperty
- Industrial
- 2,400 SF
Availability- 2 Spaces
- 2,400 SF
For Lease- $16.00/SF/MO
615 N East St, Webb City, MOProperty
- Restaurant
- 1,250 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 1,250 SF
Year Built- 2020
For Lease- $2,000.00/MO
3502 Red Iron Drive, Webb City, Joplin, MOProperty
- Industrial
- 7,700 SF
Year Built- 2005
For Sale- $875,000
3502 Red Iron Drive, Webb City, Joplin, MOProperty
- Industrial
- 7,700 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 7,700 SF
Year Built- 2005
For Lease- $7.00 - $12.00/SF/MO