Potter County, TX Commercial Real Estate for Lease and Sale
1721 Tyler St S, Old San Jacinto, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 4,680 SF
Year Built- 1916
For Sale- $500,000
600 S Buchanan St, Old San Jacinto, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 19,243 SF
Availability- 3 Spaces
- 19,243 SF
Year Built- 2016
For Lease- $18.00/SF/YR
19300 34th West County Road , Canadian River Breaks, Bushland, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 13,500 SF
For Sale- $1,600,000
4211 I-40 West Suite 101, Amarillo SouthWest, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 17,666 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 3,313 SF
For Lease- $4,417.00/MO
What type of listing property are you looking for?
7201 West Interstate 40, Soncy, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 54,052 SF
Availability- 3 Spaces
- 1,329 SF
Year Built- 1985
For Lease Contact for pricing -
Tascosa Rd, Historic Route 66 District, Amarillo, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $570,370
1911 Madison Street, Wolfin Historic District, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Multi-Family
- 4,440 SF
Year Built- 2020
For Sale- $1,095,000
6601 Lowes Ln, Historic Route 66 District, Amarillo, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $1,540,000
3101 E Amarillo Blvd, Downtown Amarillo, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 3,102 SF
Year Built- 1985
For Sale- $199,500
1600 Coulter S, Soncy, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 17,973 SF
Year Built- 1980
For Sale- $4,500,000
5507 09th Ave SW, Historic Route 66 District, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 4,943 SF
Year Built- 1981
For Sale- $525,000
2001-2335 Georgia S, Wolfin Historic District, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Retail
- 159,485 SF
Availability- 3 Spaces
- 5,636 SF
Year Built- 1953
For Lease- $15.00 - $20.00/SF/YR
3019 Grand N, Downtown Amarillo, Amarillo, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $1,350,000
600 Tyler S, Old San Jacinto, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 298,835 SF
Availability- 8 Spaces
- 18,308 SF
Year Built- 1971
For Lease- $18.50/SF/YR
7501 Wallace Blvd, Soncy, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 67,930 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 44,494 SF
Year Built- 2007
For Lease- $33.00/SF/YR
5601 I-40 West, Soncy, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 64,991 SF
Availability- 3 Spaces
- 5,309 SF
Year Built- 1983
For Lease- $18.00 - $22.00/SF/YR
120 02nd NE, Downtown Amarillo, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 16,110 SF
Year Built- 1946
For Sale- $550,000
2400 Lakeview Drive, Amarillo SouthWest, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 30,880 SF
Availability- 7 Spaces
- 19,560 SF
Year Built- 1984
For Lease- $10.00 - $11.00/SF/YR
I-40 West, Bushland, Canadian River Breaks, Bushland, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $470,448
905 Fillmore S, Old San Jacinto, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 122,896 SF
Availability- 4 Spaces
- 25,564 SF
Year Built- 1982
For Lease- $17.00 - $18.50/SF/YR
600 Tyler S, Old San Jacinto, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Other
- 298,835 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 1,679 SF
For Lease- $3,225.00/MO
3437 I-40 West, Amarillo SouthWest, Amarillo, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $640,180
1916 S Carolina, Old San Jacinto, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 8,528 SF
Availability- 2 Spaces
- 8,528 SF
Year Built- 2019
For Lease- $15.00 - $16.00/SF/YR
705 Van Buren, Old San Jacinto, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 2,677 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 2,677 SF
For Lease- $14.00/SF/YR
09th & Coulter - NE Corner, Historic Route 66 District, Amarillo, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $8,334,988.2
FM 2219 and Helium Rd. - Lot 1, Soncy, Amarillo, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $155,509.2
904 Grant South, Old San Jacinto, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 26,712 SF
Year Built- 1928
For Sale- $675,000
1216 03rd SW, Old San Jacinto, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 1,480 SF
For Sale- $98,500
200 Westgate Pkwy, Soncy, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Retail
- 45,083 SF
Availability- 6 Spaces
- 25,185 SF
Year Built- 1985
For Lease- $12.00 - $16.00/SF/YR
3941 Western N, Canadian River Breaks, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 1,375 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 1,375 SF
Year Built- 1996
For Lease- $500.00 - $2,000.00/MO
7701 I-40, Soncy, Amarillo, TX
1104 S. Taylor, Old San Jacinto, Amarillo, TXProperty
- VacantLand
- 25,200 SF
For Sale- $300,000
River Rd. and Hastings Land, Downtown Amarillo, Amarillo, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $425,000
1900 NW 12th Ave, Downtown Amarillo, Amarillo, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $21,000
308 Arthur S, Dumas Junction, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Industrial
- 8,400 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 8,400 SF
For Lease- $2,800.00/MO
Bushland Rd., Bushland, TX, Canadian River Breaks, Bushland, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $9.00 /sf
Research St & Fleming Ave, Soncy, Amarillo, TX
W I 40 & Hope Rd, Canadian River Breaks, Amarillo, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $2,744,280
1102 I-40 West, Soncy, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 1,250 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 1,250 SF
For Lease- $1,350.00/MO
2400 N Coulter St, Historic Route 66 District, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Other
- 18,417 SF
Year Built- 2000
For Sale- $2,260,000
7308 Fleming Ave, Soncy, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 11,362 SF
Availability- 1 Space
- 6,485 SF
For Lease- $16.00/SF/YR
N Eastern St, Canadian River Breaks, Amarillo, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $408,960
I-40 West & Hope Rd SWC, Canadian River Breaks, Amarillo, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- Call for Pricing!
1928 NW 12th Ave, Downtown Amarillo, Amarillo, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $7,000
Fritch Highway, Dumas Junction, Amarillo, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $250,000
W Amarillo Blvd, Historic Route 66 District, Amarillo, TX
3712 Olsen Blvd, Amarillo SouthWest, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Office
- 4,612 SF
Availability- 3 Spaces
- 3,662 SF
Year Built- 1977
For Lease- $12.00/SF/YR
Westwood Dr, Historic Route 66 District, Amarillo, TXProperty
- VacantLand
For Sale- $701,910
601 S Nelson St, Dumas Junction, Amarillo, TXProperty
- Multi-Family
- 25,636 SF
Year Built- 1977
For Sale- $2,995,000