Winnipeg, MB Industrial Buildings and Warehouses for Sale
Southeast Corner of Marion Street & Archibald Street, Stock Yards - Holden, Winnipeg, MBProperty
- Industrial
- 150,000 SF
For Sale- Please Contact Agent
3280 St. Mary's Road, St. Vital Perimeter South, Winnipeg, MBProperty
- Industrial
Year Built- 2001
For Sale- $2,950,000
1433 Erin St., Sargent Park, Winnipeg, MBProperty
- Industrial
- 7,095 SF
For Sale- $1,400,000
616 Roseberry Street, St. James Industrial, Winnipeg, MB
470 Des Meurons Street, Central St. Boniface - Tissot, Winnipeg, MBProperty
- Industrial
- 19,868 SF
For Sale- $2,750,000
1200 Sherwin Road, St. James Industrial, Winnipeg, MBProperty
- Industrial
- 6,416 SF
For Sale- $1,100,000
1200 Sherwin Road, St. James Industrial, Winnipeg, MBProperty
- Industrial
- 5,671 SF
For Sale- $975,000
11 Plymouth Street, Inkster Industrial Park, Winnipeg, MB
40 Scurfield Boulevard, West Fort Garry Industrials, Winnipeg, MBProperty
- Industrial
- 102,281 SF
For Sale- $13,250,000