District of Columbia Office Buildings for Sale
300 5th Street Northeast, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC
2370 Champlain Street Northwest, Adams Morgan, Washington, DCProperty
- Office
For Sale- $995,000
1601 18th St NW #2B, Dupont Circle, Washington, DCProperty
- Office
- 1,227 SF
Year Built- 1962
For Sale- $305/SF
4417 Douglas St NE, Kenilworth, Washington, DCProperty
- Office
- 15,686 SF
Year Built- 1970
For Sale- $8,000,000
2201 L Street NW, West End Washington, Washington, DCProperty
- Office
- 141,435 SF
Year Built- 1974
For Sale- $2,750,000
1325 18th St NW, Dupont Circle, Washington, DC
924 Pennsylvania Avenue Southeast, Capitol Hill, Washington, DCProperty
- Office
- 1,974 SF
For Sale- Subject To Offer
1604 K St NW, Dupont Circle, Washington, DC
1516 P St NW, Logan Circle, Washington, DC
1615 New Hampshire Ave NW #C-5, Dupont Circle, Washington, DC
1718 N St NW, Dupont Circle, Washington, DC
2421-2423 Pennsylvania Ave NW, West End Washington, Washington, DC
1430 K Street NW, Downtown Washington, Washington, DC
1314 19th St NW, Dupont Circle, Washington, DC
926 Pennsylvania Avenue Southeast, Capitol Hill, Washington, DCProperty
- Office
- 1,974 SF
For Sale- Subject To Offer
1602 L Street NW, Downtown Washington, Washington, DC
730 24th Street NW, Foggy Bottom, Washington, DC