Downtown Washington, Washington, DC Office Buildings for Sale
1602 L Street NW, Downtown Washington, Washington, DC
1430 K Street NW, Downtown Washington, Washington, DC
2470 Champlain Street Northwest, Adams Morgan, Washington, DCProperty
- Office
For Sale- $995,000
1601 18th St NW #2B, Dupont Circle, Washington, DCProperty
- Office
- 1,227 SF
Year Built- 1962
For Sale- $305/SF
1314 19th St NW, Dupont Circle, Washington, DC
2201 L Street NW, West End Washington, Washington, DCProperty
- Office
- 141,435 SF
Year Built- 1974
For Sale- $2,750,000
1718 N St NW, Dupont Circle, Washington, DC
1325 18th St NW, Dupont Circle, Washington, DC
1604 K St NW, Dupont Circle, Washington, DC
1516 P St NW, Logan Circle, Washington, DC
2421-2423 Pennsylvania Ave NW, West End Washington, Washington, DC
730 24th Street NW, Foggy Bottom, Washington, DC
300 5th Street Northeast, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC
926 Pennsylvania Avenue Southeast, Capitol Hill, Washington, DCProperty
- Office
- 1,974 SF
For Sale- Subject To Offer
924 Pennsylvania Avenue Southeast, Capitol Hill, Washington, DCProperty
- Office
- 1,974 SF
For Sale- Subject To Offer